My approach to fitness and nutrition is simple and sustainable but requires patience. I am happy and honored to meet you where you are today. If you choose me as your guide, I want to provide you with information and tools that I know work. For most women, myself included, this means focusing on strength first. We were misinformed for many years that intense cardio, and lots of it, is necessary for optimal health and appearance. We now know that strength training is the optimal form of exercise for most women, for both health and aesthetics. Strength training can be done with whatever equipment you have in your home, even if it is no equipment at all. We can start today with nothing but you!
M.O.M. Coaching Philosophy

Similarly, with nutrition, misinformation has taught many that calories and fat are the enemy and should be eaten in low amounts, even if this means consuming harmful ingredients in our food, starving our bodies, and negatively impacting our moods. We’ve been taught to ignore hunger and satiety signals and thus have lost the connection between our minds and bodies. We have learned to fear carbohydrates and turn to extreme diets telling us to limit or eliminate healthy, nutrient-dense foods because their carb count is too high. These trends create cycles of uncontrollable cravings and inevitable failure, which take an emotional toll and continue the endless process of trying to find the magic diet. Whatever you have been told and whatever you may have tried, working with me includes repairing your relationship with your taste buds and with food itself. You have the power to choose what you eat, but it is easy to lose that power when cravings and behavior spiral out of control. We focus on restoring your power, one sustainable step at a time. The core of the Mom Over Matter coaching philosophy is prioritizing your strength and honoring hunger with nourishing foods that make you feel good in both body and mind.

All workouts are tailored to your needs, goals, equipment, and lifestyle. The basic structure includes a warm-up, primary strength workout, cool-down, and stretching. This portion is written to accommodate whatever time constraints you are working with. Some working out is always better than none. My programs also include optional extra sets tailored to your goals for the days you have a little spare time and energy. Cardio and daily step recommendations are included.
Counseling Versus Coaching
Although counseling and coaching share similarities, potential clients must understand their differences. Mental health counseling, or therapy, is often less structured than coaching and focuses on understanding, resolving, or healing from experiences and changing unhelpful ways of thinking and relating to others. Although the past can also be significant in a coaching relationship, coaching tends to focus more on future goals. Coaching is structured and action-oriented. In therapy, the focus is more on examination and processing. Coaching can support a client in meeting goals despite a mental health problem, whereas counseling treats mental health problems more directly. Both are a type of partnership, but they look and feel different in practice. You may work on the same or similar goals in counseling or coaching, but the approach to meeting these goals will be different. Coaching can also include a fitness or personal training element, which allows me to provide clients with exercise plans.
Potential clients must understand that counselors cannot maintain dual relationships. Therefore, I cannot provide counseling and coaching to the same individual. It is ok if you do not know which path is best for you. We can figure this out together during our initial phone call or meeting. Please note that I can only provide mental health counseling to clients residing in Massachusetts. Coaching services can be delivered to clients who live anywhere.